A Chance

A chance

Let go of the fear
Release it onto the wind
Watch it leave with the flying leaves
Open your eyes and see
Really see

You have been gifted
A chance

A chance to be still
A chance to get quiet
A chance to listen to the voice within
She’s been unheard
For far too long now
You drowned her out with all
Of your doing 
And now it is time
To become undone 

Listen to the voice
The voice who is not just you
But all humans
All living beings
She is Gaia
The Great Spirit
The Oneness of All

Wake up she whispers

Come home to me

You have forgotten I am here

Drop all the material things
Your mind thinks it needs
Drop your to do lists
Your body tirelessly attempts to complete
Close your schools
Close your jobs
And be with me

I free you 

Breathe in my air
Walk in my green grass
Soak in the sights of my budding leaves
Drink the color bursts of flowers around you
Lay down under the vast blue sky
Float with the clouds going by 
And be with me

Fall in love with me again
Deeply in love
I am the mother
Who never birthed you
Rather I still hold you in my womb
Our bodies one

Fall in love with me
So that when this passes us by
You will never forget me again
You will live within me, within All
With the very reverence you were made to be
Knowing that I am the very heart
That beats within the walls of your rib cage

Be with me
Fall in love with me again
My beloveds 
So we will appear
Like the dawn after the dark night
When we emerge
On the other side

Christine Buck
Reiki Student Practitioner

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